Our Services

Who we Are

Comprehensive Anesthesia, Inc. has been in business for over 15 years helping surgery centers achieve their surgical and procedural objectives by not only providing top-quality anesthesia providers to staff their centers, but also helping centers to develop an accreditation-approved anesthesia department.
Vincent Martinez is the founder of Comprehensive Anesthesia, Inc. He received his anesthesia training at UCLA and has been practicing anesthesia for over 20 years. In 2001, he entered private practice and began providing coverage for small ambulatory surgery centers in the Fresno area. He soon discovered that many small centers struggled with acquiring reliable anesthesia coverage and found that he was able to coordinate staffing these centers in addition to assisting them with developing their anesthesia department.
He and his team of CRNAs have worked with ambulatory surgery centers and medical offices of varying sizes, providing temporary and permanent anesthesia coverage. Additionally, they have helped many of these centers during the accreditation process, assisting in the provision of documentation and policies and procedures needed to achieve successful accreditation.
What We Do

Anesthesia Coverage:
- Any size facility
- Full-time or part-time coverage
- Established or undeveloped centers
- Board certified CRNAs
- Networking with other professionals to optimize coverage from your area
- Competitive private-pay rates
- Participating provider with Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Medicare, Kaiser & MediCal
Consultation Services:
- Quality assurance and improvement pathways for the anesthesia department
- Anesthesia policies and procedures based on the current standards of care
- Patient screening protocols
- Preparation for accreditation
- Anesthesia related teaching and staff training
- Specialized anesthesia equipment and supplies acquisition
Additional Services
- Anesthesia scheduling
- Credentialing of anesthesia providers
- Proctoring of anesthesia providers
- Assistance in patient screening